I received an email this morning...
Hello, my name is Samantha and I live in Oklahoma City. I found your
website on google under starting a fence business. I was hoping you could give
me some advise on starting a fence business? My husband is Michael and
has been in the fence business for over 10years, and wants to get started on his
own. He does amazing work and I am trying to find out all I can to help him.
Thanks So Much
Samantha (last name filtered)
"The above photo is of a recent creation designed by David Boyle--Our Toronto Small Job Specialist."
Like any business, feasibility is king, so this advice would fit for nearly any business.
Hi Samantha,
Advice for new fence business...
Put away some cushion money to hedge against unforseen factors.
Having 2 people working takes the stress away during the first few months...
Take basic sales training course, (most of it is hype--but there are a few basic sales principles that will serve you well to learn).
Create a business plan and have it critiqued by your banker and or friends in business. Listen to what they say.
Don't fall in love with an idea...be objective.
Go and work for your top 3 competitors...even if you work for a low wage in the beginning--even if only for a week or two.
Analyze your competition before pulling the trigger. What will be your advantage over them... why will you prevail? You need good answers to thrive in business.
We have set up the "Builder Group" to help folks like you just starting out. It helps you with everything from sales, product line, marketing and even makes your phone ring.
Give me a call if you would like more info!
Hope this helps--
(Lawrence can be reached at 888 293 8938)
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